
Close More Deals with Smarty CRM

Streamline your work in a single space and turn prospective buyers into satisfied customers more efficiently.
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Line up your
sales chain
Link objects
to client cards
Keep a history
of each customer

Smarty CRM helps sales teams be consistent, work together and stay focused

Less emails and meetings and better results

More Smarty CRM Features

Responsibles and ObserversAssign responsibles and observers for each task and be abreast of all changes
Custom FieldsSet fields for convenient work with customers
FiltersFind specific projects and contacts using selection criteria
Data SecurityAll data is stored on secure servers. Backup takes place every day
TasksPlan your working day so as not to be distracted by unnecessary work and not to waste energy
Clear viewTake a single look to assess the current situation with sales

Test the full version of Smarty CRM for 7 days

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Special features for each task

Project Management

Learn how to lead projects of any size in Smarty CRM.More

Corporate Messenger

Use Smarty CRM as a communication tool for your team.More

Start working
with Smarty CRM

Smarty CRM has over 60000 users in 180 countries.
See how Smarty CRM will help your business.
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