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Smarty CRM for Organizations

Helps to control business processes and communicate with colleagues. Provides tools for streaming workflow of company departments

Main Problems of the Modern Company

Broken Communications

Employees communicate in person, by phone, email, SMS. Information is forgotten or lost.

No Control

Complicated business processes make it difficult to identify problems and solve them on time.

Lack of Time

Permanent backlog and lack of priorities overload employees.

Straightening Communications

Talk in Shared Workspace
Section Messages allows you to correspond with colleagues in individual and group chat rooms, discuss projects, deals, contacts and tasks.
Solve Tasks Online
Approval of transaction terms and clarification of information becomes simple and fast. Write a message to the person in charge and that’s enough.
Use External Chats
Smarty CRM allows you to chat with customers and partners. Invite them into the program and solve the issues.

Business Control

Keep the Client Base
Contacts of company departments are in a single database with search and filters. Color indication allows you to track the stage of interaction.
Track Deals and Projects
Smarty CRM helps to control sales from the first call to conclusion of the contract. Color and size of the card indicate the work stage and its importance.
Edit Access Rights
The system allows you to assign rights to a section, group, region or to a specific customer card. Employees do not see the sections they are not supposed to see.

Business in Order

Set Tasks
Plan Schedule
Assign Responsible Employees
Create tasks in a couple of clicks out of contact, projects or dialog cards.
View tasks in the day planner for a day, week, month, year or list schedules.
Delegate tasks using the tool People respondible and track execution.
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The Advantages of Smarty CRM

Queries Сontrol

If the client's messages are not answered, he leaves. Browse managers replies, help them to work better.

Data Protection

Information is encrypted, stored on separate servers and transmitted over https protocol. This eliminates its interception, even if you use a public Wi-Fi.

Mobile Work

Our service is available on smartphones and tablets. Download apps for Android, iOS and Windows and stay in the know.